The scope of clean up in water damage restoration procedures may be much more than what is visible. Water pipes that burst or begin to leak in your house may not get noticed for a long period of time.
Water damage restoration may be too costly for individuals to repair by themselves. Flood damage repair companies are specialists in the clean up and repair of damage sustained to your home or office building from any type of water damage.Water damage restoration procedures require immediate moisture removal and control to prevent or stop the growth of mold and mildew, which causes biological contamination.Dehumidification is essential in the cleaning process to remove evaporated moisture from the air and prevent secondary damage. Regardless of the extent of water damage, water contamination spreads quickly. Serious health hazards can occur if the structure is not dried out immediately. If carpeting can be salvaged, we specialize in water extraction and expert cleaning and sanitation of all carpeting in your home or office building.
One of the side effects of flood damage is that there is a very real possibility that you will have to deal with mold damage repair and clean up. The growth of mold occurs over time and will often appear long after the event that caused it. Mold is a bio-hazardous fungus that can cause illness and even death. Don’t take chances. Hire a flood cleanup contractor or specialist immediately to protect your home and family in the event of water damage.
Tropical Restoration Services, your professional water damage restoration service company, will provide piece of mind and save you quite a bit of money in property replacement. Not all flood damage repair companies are the same. Trust Tropical Restoration Services to be at your house or office building in 60 minutes or less, 24/7. We work with all major insurance companies.
Over several years, Tropical Restoration has developed a proven track record of providing exactly what customers are seeking from a damage restoration service … consistent quality. This is our trademark and the driving force of our company. Our systems and practices enable us to properly care for our customers, building a growing satisfied customer base every year. Our reputation for integrity, professionalism, and a quality service continues to spread rapidly as our customers experience the benefits of our professional approach to the damage restoration industry.
Communicating with clients is one of our top priorities. No one likes unpleasant surprises, and by making sure the client’s needs are made the top priority, we can ensure on-going customer satisfaction. The proof that we have been successful in this effort is supported by the number of long term clients who continue to renew their damage restoration services with Tropical Restoration.
We understand that our clients have hired us to manage damage restoration so they don’t have to. Our unique systems and procedures, including regular visibility and employee accountability, ensure that we maintain the cleaning standard our clients have established.
Our employees are fully bonded and insured with our corporate insurance policy. We maintain the highest level of protection for our clients by exceeding the average insurance levels of our competitors. Working with Tropical Restoration employees mean you are increasing your corporate safety and security.
We believe professionalism is a statement of expertise. We continually reinvested our time and money into the best people, products and practices in order to improve our level of professionalism. We do this so that we remain the finest cleaning company in the South Florida area. We strive to maintain our level of cleaning expertise for our clients and their facilities.
24/7 Emergency Service.
Proudly Serving the South Florida Area.