Mold Damage Restoration
If you encounter mold smells or visibly see black wall mold damage, attic mold damage, sheetrock mold damage, or other types of drywall water damage, contact one of our mold remediation professionals at 772.217.7422 or 954.445.3200. Following water damage, mold has the capability of becoming unmanageable quickly, spreading at a rapid pace and often requiring mold repair & remediation if not addressed immediately. If not removed properly, sheetrock mold damage can spread like dust throughout your entire house.
Allergic reactions may happen immediately or develop after a period of time following exposure. Also, some molds produce toxic substances and the larger the mold problem, the more costly the clean up or repair. Mold smells and its growth can occur 48-72 hours from the initial wetting period.
If mold damage repair is not addressed by a mold damage mitigation service in an efficient and effective manner, structural damage to your home or commercial building are likely to occur, and are frequently accompanied by serious or long-term health conditions. In some cases, people may develop severe reactions to mold exposure. Symptoms of severe reactions include fever and difficulty breathing. People with compromised immune systems or those with chronic lung disease can develop serious infections of the lungs due to molds.
Mold remediation companies will tell you that immediate clean up and removal is required to avoid extensive mold damage repair. If the presence of moisture is noted, drying should take place immediately to minimize the probability of mold growth. If your house has sustained recent water damage, it is imperative that a mold damage removal service extracts the water and dries the structure without delay. And certain precautions should not be overlooked while mold remediation is in effect.
What You Should Know About Mold Damage:
Mold reproduces by creating tiny spores that usually cannot be seen without magnification; mold spores continually float through the air and can damage walls, drywall, sheetrock or colonize a damp attic.
Mold needs a food source, moisture and a certain temperature to grow. If these conditions are present, molds can germinate and colonize. The rapidity of growth depends on a combination of conditions, some of which allow for the germination of spores within 12 hours, and some growing within 24 to 48 hours. A house offers an ample food supply for mold; (i.e., drywall, wood, insulation and paper). When these materials become damp or wet,settled spores can develop into growing molds.
How Water and Flood Damage Affects Mold Growth:
Temperature – Mold encountered in flood or water damaged environments grow best at room temperature. Light – It is a myth that mold will grow only in dark environments. Usually, mold grows better in the dark because there is more moisture available. However, many molds will begin disseminating their spores when they are exposed to light. Nutrients – Cellulose is a preferred nutrient for mold growth. Examples include carpet, wood, trim, dust/dirt and drywall. Not only does mold use building materials for nutrients, but it also compromises its structural integrity. Water is the most important factor in mold growth. Every species of mold requires a different amount of available moisture in order to grow.
At Tropical Restoration Services we are trained professional mold damage mitigation specialist that will determine the extent of mold damage in your home or office building and begin clean up and repair in 60 minutes or less, 24/7.